Short Film Night
Short Film Night
Thursday 2 June, 8 pm
The Snug, Mountshannon
€12 - Ticket includes a selection of Pizza during the interval
Limited space
Booking: mountshannonfestival@gmail.com
Join us once again for an eclectic mix of films that feature all of the important things in life: Hairdressers, Bluebirds, Blacksmiths, Laughing Hearts, Hearts for dinner, and Skinny dipping.
There’s music, poetry, dancing, Wood Drakes, and more.
The highlight of the evening will be a special screening of the newly released: 'Born From Fire'.
Jointly directed by local man Turlough O'Cinnéide, (who will join us on the night), and Marta Di Giovanni, and starring our very own Mark Wilson.
You’ll laugh, you’ll cry and on top of all that, you get to eat Alain’s amazing pizza.
Born From Fire
A traditional blacksmith and a young artist pay tribute to an ancient Celtic legendary figure
Máire Nic Gearailt
Orla Little Grainne
Martyn Merlehan
Turlough Ó Cinnéide
Mark Wilson Blacksmith
‘My upbringing has shaped how I approach my work and the things that capture my interest. Raised on a small homestead in Ireland, I was given a childhood that many can only dream of. It was full of hard work - dirty and, sometimes, bloody work - but not a moment of it do I regret. From the haymaking on hot summer days and washing off in the stream at night, to preparing the Christmas geese with my mother, we were given a grounding that lay close to the land and were taught to respect it and those around us. One of my favourite memories, and one we still do, was to sit around the open fire, 6ft. wide, and listen to my mother tell tales of little fairies, strange ghostly stories, and all of the old local legends. It is that memory I wish to share, and I wish to share one of the stories that lies very close to my heart for many reasons. -- Turlough Ó Cinnéide