An Dúlra /Nature
Here are some of our favorite Irish words in nature
Lon dubh: Blackbird
Dreoilín: Wren
Smólach mór: Mistle thrush
Smólach ceoil: Song thrush
Rí rua: Chaffinch (red king)
Lasair choille: Goldfinch (flame/blaze of the forest)
Glasán darach: Greenfinch (darach = of the oak tree)
Cág: Jackdaw
Caróg liath: Grey crow
Cág cosdearg: Chough (red-footed jackdaw)
Scréachóg choille: Jay (shrill-voiced bird of the forest)
Scréachóg reilige: Barn owl (shrill-voiced bird of the graveyard)
Cruimh chabáiste: Caterpillar (cabbage maggot)
Bóín Dé / bóín samhraidh: Ladybird (little cow of God / little cow of the summer)
Smugairle róin: Jellyfish (seal snot/ spit)
submitted by Cormac Ó Gríofa, Mary O’Leary, Bernadette Watson