Moutshannon Arts Festival

Photograph Competition 2021

Theme Regeneration

Adult Entrants

Our winner 2021


Cycling is a great way of recharging the batteries in our beautiful county
Gudrun Michel

Judge view

A well framed and technically good photograph. Original, creative and innovative; the photo reflects the regenerative effect of exercise.

Junior Entrants

Winner 2021


This photograph depicts Regeneration in my local village. In this photo we see my sister Eimear heading into the recycled “Whitehouse” pub in Whitegate which has been transformed into a school classroom during Covid-19 times. It is a perfect example of how the old can become young again with just a little care and attention. Regeneration here has restored life and energy into an otherwise run down building. Through the spirit of youth it comes alive every day.

Sarah Treacy

Judge view:

An imaginative and original photo which draws the viewer in and invites them to imagine the young person's thoughts. The sense of isolation and closure is captured, but the girls youth and going to school give a sense of hope and regeneration.

Runners Up

Cow & calf.

Though YOU may fret; it is often nature herself through many elements that envelopes the fragility and allows regeneration

Paul Bugler

Judge view

A picture that perfectly matches the theme of Regeneration. Technically good with the subjects well framed, and it draws the viewer into the photograph. A connection is felt to the animals, and a sense of the new beginning is felt, despite the year of isolation we have endured.

The ambitious plans to revitalize communities along the Shannon River and in our beautiful Lough Derg area is in the works and in the air. My shot of the rainbow spanning Clare and Tipperary where the Shannon flows into the Lough symbolizes hope, and prospects of solidarity and  good fortune as the project is implemented. The beauty and exuberance of Springtime in our area is a resonant creative and regenerative energy.

Robert O’Connor Fuld

Judge View

This photo has good visual impact and reflects a new beginning. There is a sense of calm after the storm.


The Little Snake Goddess... When our daughter, Isabel LaTrobe - Neumann, saw the glowing circular light she was so fascinated. She stuck her head in and out of it, reminding me of a little snake goddess Manashii that is worshipped in West Bengal where there are many venomous snakes. The snake as we know, sheds its skin when it grows out of it or when it is worn out, so that it can grow new skin. Hence the little snake goddess is a symbol of regeneration and reinvention.

Dr. Jyoshna La Trobe

Judge View

Technically and creatively good photo which again engages the viewer. The youth and curiosity of the subject gives us hope for the future.

To all our entrants this year: you have taken amazing pictures. Well done!

Discover all our entrants below and hover over picture to read background

Sunset from Legane. 

 Peter Tuohy

As we emerge from this overwhelming fog, we feel energised and regenerated to move forward together and feel the heat of the sun burn away the fog and enjoy each others company again. 

 Treacy Doyle

I think this relates to regenerating because the water is constantly regenerating. I mean we have only discovered around 3% of the ocean. Think about that. 

Photo is from Whitestrands beach

Ella Natalia Rose Jurascheck

Junior entrant




I spotted this wonderful light show on my stairs inside the house. 

The playful dance of the rainbow on the hard surface made me stop and watch with childlike joy.

The dark stone in its coldness got tickled by rapid flickering brush strokes of colour and I knew all would be good again.

Corona impacted everybody. 

We all search in our hearts for hope, pathways to get out of this nightmare and there on my black steps sparkles a way up and out.

Light is at the core of all regeneration.

 Wiltrud Dull




This picture was taken in Clonlara, Co Clare

I love this picture of a honey bee collecting pollen from a spanish bluebell which was growing in my mothers garden. Both flower and Bee helping one another.. the bluebells providing food to the bee, the bee providing cross pollination.  All of which allows a natural regeneration for our crops and our forests. A give and take relationship that creates, renews and replenishes the earth :)

Jennifer Edwards

Our 350 year old barn,  now restored using original stone and is used as a workshop and machine store.

Fred Hannaford


James Treacy

I found this worm near my apple tree and it reminded me of James and the Giant Peach as there are insects living in the peach. Worms are regenerative creatures... I wish I could be a worm. And every year I am sure to have a great apple from the apple tree after its beautiful flowers turn into apples...Just like magic! 

Thanks for organising this competition,

Alix Martineau

Junior entrant

In Nature, energy and matter are never destroyed, they merely change form. 

Siobhan Cahill

In thinking how to represent regeneration I just kept coming back to the sky. Every morning we rise renew and restart. The sky regenerates us daily spiritually physically and mentally. The power, strength and comfort we get from looking above regenerates us all. 

 Denise Joanna Sheridan

Bluebells form a guard of honour for the withered daffodil.

One door closes and another one opens.


Paul Murray

Trees have an important role in regeneration in nature. The growth of new plants from fallen seeds in the same place or woodland leads to regeneration in nature.

Aoife Daly

Junior entrant

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