Harmony in Mountshannon


A Flow of Words broadcast radio and Writing workshop for Culture Night 2024

In preparation for Culture Night 'A Flow of Words' with Mountshannon Arts and Scariff Bay Community Radio are seeking submissions of poetry and prose on the theme of 'Harmony' for a show to be broadcast on September 22nd.  

In addition there will be an opportunity for a number of participants to read their work at the Mountshannon Arts Culture Night event in St. Caimin's R.C. Church on Culture Night, Friday September 20th. 

In the lead up we are offering a writing workshop with Ron Carey followed by a poetry reading with Ron and Greg Carey. 

Although the workshop is free (sponsored by Mountshannon Arts) spaces are limited.  Please contact mountshannonpoetry@gmail.com to register your interest before Friday August 30th 

Submissions for A Flow of Words open until Friday September 13th.

Saturday 7th September

Our one-day workshop is on the theme of Harmony

“How shall we find the concord of this discord?”

PROSE 10:30 -13:00

Discord, reconciliation and final harmony and are the themes of many stories. Our workshop will explore examples and work on the different ways that the protagonists reach harmony (or not!) within the story. We will look to Character Arc and Story Arc as example of helpful maps to plot our course.  A set of imaginate scenarios will be given as helpful starting points for beginning  your story.


POETRY  14:00 – 16:30

In this part of the workshop we will look to two poets, Wordsworth and Rilke.

How Wordsworth’s poetry finds harmony in nature and life. And how Rilke looks at everything as connected to the whole – the harmony of all things. A set of imaginate scenarios will be given as helpful starting points for beginning  your poem.

The aim of this course is to fire the imagination of the participants and to have started (or completed) their poem or story on the theme of Harmony.

Ron Carey

Originally from Limerick, Ron lives in Dublin. He only began to write poetry seriously in his sixties. He has won numerous national and international awards for poetry. He holds a Diploma in Literature and Creative Writing from the Open University and a Masters in English from the University of South Wales. His poetry collection ‘DISTANCE,’ was shortlisted for the Forward Prize Best First Collection UK and Ireland. He has three collections of poetry published. Since 2015, Ron has facilitated very successful Creative Writing courses throughout the country

Greg Carey 

Originally from Limerick Greg Carey has spent most of his adult life living and working In Shannon.

With a primary degree in English and Philosophy, Greg maintained an interest in writing throughout his life.

In his fifties and sixties Greg added further to his studies gaining an M.A and PhD in philosophy.

Throughout the years Greg has had poems published in several journals and some newspapers.

His poem “Do we Become the Things we Love”  (which appears in his first book) in memory of the poet and philosopher John O’Donohue, was sent for consideration for the forward prize. With more free time Greg has been able to focus on painting and some of his work is interspersed in his book.

Dr. Carey is currently working on a series of Haiku type ,meditations, one for every day of the year and preparing his Doctoral thesis for publication as a book.


A Flow of Words - Motherhood and Longing - Podcast


Belonging: A Quest For Home