Aga Szot

Artist statement:

My art is centred on my observation of human social and familial relationships and is in fact an investigation influenced by ideas from sociology, anthropology and psychology.

The visual images I create work towards an analysis of human relationships at different points of development in our life cycles. At any given time in the process of my work the individual paintings will be linked by a common interest, a thread of analysis that is stretched across a series of works. Taken together they pose particular questions – focus on particular phases of life and draw attention to how relationships develop.

My work attempts to offer arresting images of key moments in the development of human relationships. My methods allow me to inject life and energy, for good or bad, in scenes of child/child encounters and of adult/child, adult/adult interactions. These are intended to stimulate the viewer to recognize the powerful forces at play in everyday relationships in our complex world.

Offering visual information that is fragmented, full of flux and movement, overlaid with written work and supplemented sometimes with sections of graphic/ photographic materials from the media - this allows me to stimulate the viewer towards an insight, towards a realization of strength and of vulnerability, of acceptance and rejection, of struggles to survive at different stages in our lives.

Often my artworks contain written script; short commentaries, antonyms or dictionary definitions. These are sometimes provocative additions to again stimulate the viewer towards an analysis of the scene. The technique I used (oil, ink, collage) allowed me to pose questions in each painting. Each painting asked the viewer to visually punctuate the image by inserting his or her own points or marks in the unfinished sentence that is the painting – the life depicted there.


Fergal Coghlan